Guyanese Christian Association
of Canada Annual Charitable Bake Sale \ Food Fair 2006 report
Thanks to all our members, volunteers, helpers, businesses and sponsors who contributed in so many ways to make this Bake Sale/Food Fair a tremendous success. We were sold out of most of the foods by 3 PM. All those that took part worked very hard and deserve the highest praise for all their efforts. This was our best year ever and the event keeps growing every year.
I would like to thank Faiza Kartic and her crew, especially Rabia and Jameela, and her ongoing efforts-she is tireless in her efforts. My wife Fazie for her intense planning and coordinating of the food items. Asif and Christine of HOPE GUYANA and their team for promoting the event and all the foods they organized. Phillip Goulab for brewing all the mauby and ginger beer. Kem Hamid and Rosanne Goutam(and kids)-Remax agents- for organizing food, helping and sponsoring this event and promoting it to all their clients. Kay Hamid and Fazia Seepersaud for all the food and help in planning and promoting the event. Joan DeBarros and her friends for all her help with the food and her advice-she is a true champion for the poor. Nadia Abrams and her team-Nadira and Indira- for their help with the food and promoting the event. Orlean Williams and all her help and support over the years. Indra and Lisa Deonandan, Pam Verasammy, Baby Khan for all their continuous help and support. Sharima and Pammy Bacchus for all the cooking and help. Uncle Ivan Samaroo and family for their support. Ryan Hamid, Nick Seepersaud and Nick, for all their efforts and help. For the many others who laboured silently and are not mentioned here, your reward is even greater. Each and every one of you are the true workers, the "doers of the word".
There were some big donors, one for $1,500.00 and another for $1000.00. For 2007 we already have pledges of $4500.00
Building of home for a poor family
We have the money in Guyana that was raised in 2006 to build a home for a poor
family - unfortunately because of all the activities in Guyana with the world
cricket cup and the building of the cricket stadium, the project was delayed
and should be started soon. This is not a fast process and it takes time to
organize the location of the land and volunteers and supplies to proceed. This
year we were able to fully finance the cost of building the home for a poor
of last home
Shipment to Guyana
We were able to receive a donation of about 90 computers with monitors. 40 boxes of computers, books, clothes and kids toys were shipped to Guyana and distributed to several locations. Pastor Hitnarine in Berbice received fifteen computers and 5 monitors (we were not able to ship enough monitors) he has set up a community learning center for the local area to train the young people on computers. We will be sending him some more monitors and computers to facilitate this endeavour. The church in Buxton requested help and we were able to provide them with 4 computers to help the youth . They would like us to help with more computers and a community center to train the youth and keep them off the street. Some other computers were distributed to several Pastors.
At present 90 boxes of computers, books, kids clothes and toys are packed and ready to be shipped.
God bless you all for your sacrifice and love in helping us to help the least, the poor and the needy.
"..inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these.... you have done it unto me." Matt. 25:40
Our Needs
We are always in need of computers
(pentium 3 and up) printers, bicycles, books, school items and volunteers.We
always need people to volunteers in cooking and donating food and helping at
the bake sale.
Rhyad Hamid
Special thanks to the following sponsors
and contributors:
List of business sponsors 2006:
Kem Hamid and Rossane Goutam-
Remax Reality
Logo World - Laser Inprints on Anything -Richard Kartic- 905-812-1199
Sally Shivtahal - Global RESP Tel: 416-698-9329
List of businesses contributing: 2006
Grace Foods
Mr Shankar (Sri Lankan)-Soca restaurant
Vegetron - Golden Plaintain Chips
Calabria Bakery -Prize Basket -416-755-1175
Hardball Restaurant -Food